I just completed the next chapter of tutorials about Sharing, Collaborating, and Presenting within Lynda.com. With ease in not having to deal with compatibility issues among users, Presentations have a strong sharing, collaborating and presenting platform.
Sharing: Presentations has a feature where you can invite viewers and collaborators to the presentation. Collaborators can edit and make changes and invite other collaborators and viewers to the presentation at the same level as the owner. The owner can limit the access to the collaborators to not be able to invite third parties, as well as, the owner is the only person that can delete a presentation. Viewers can be added to see the presentation in a presenting form. Viewers can not make changes to the presentation.
Collaborating: Group collaboration is powerful in presentations because multiple people can work on a presentation. The platform will email collaborators and you can give instructions on what you need the collaborators to do. At the top of the screen, there is a update area to let you know when the last edits were made and who performed them. This feature takes away the barrier of wasting valuable time to send presentations to people to make an edit, then you have multiple versions of a document. This feature ensures that there is only one version that is always current and updated.
Presenting: Presentations allow users to display the presentations in many forms. Presentations can be printed from the web or as a PDF with or without speaker notes, can be sent out as a live presentation where people are invited to watch the presentation as a collaborator controls the slide show (great feature because there is a chat box where viewers can ask questions during the presentation), or published to the web where presentations can be embedded to blogs and other places on the web.
I think that Google Docs: Presentations feature will help me with my AR project because I must work with a team on PBIS to produce information to present and train the teachers. This platform will help us to collaborate ideas and be more efficient. I can even see its use with future professional development presentations.