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Ignorance is not an island to live on, but rather a bridge to get you to your destination - for it is the unknown that enable mistakes and mistakes that create life lessons and life lessons that empower growth and wisdom. Join me in the "Ride of my Life" as journey through self and technological discovery with Full Sail University

Friday, July 16, 2010

BP4_Glogster EDU

Glogster EDU is a classroom friendly web 2.0 tool that lets users create an online, interactive poster that can be accessed over the web or printed to display in the classroom. This tool is a great way to keep students engaged in their course work and allows for collaboration in that it has a mechanism for students to publish and share their creations and work with others on team projects.

The tool can be used in schools because it is private and secure. The teacher can monitor all content before it goes out for public view, and the teacher has the option to keep it closed to only the students. Because the teacher handles registration, there is no need for student emails and the teacher has the ability to edit student accounts and provide feedback. Teachers can also regulate the progress of all student work. Glogster has messaging capabilities, but it is limited to only the teacher and the student, however, students can communicate with each other by posting a comment. Even then, the teacher can monitor all comments before they are released. Teachers can assess student work by either rating the Glog using a five-star system (free) or can give a numerical grade (with purchase of the premium edition). In the free addition, a teacher can enroll up to 100 students, while the premium account can enroll 200 students.

Teachers can use Glogster in just about every subject and it can be used with any grade level. There are many examples available on the website to show how it can be used.

The tool has many graphics and backgrounds to make stunning posters and spark student creativity.

There are many instructional tutorials available to show users how to use the tool and a database of example work in each subject area.

The free version has the capabilities to successfully use the tool in the classroom, but the premium version has the ability to set up projects, assign numerical grades and provide feedback on finished work, as well as, freehand draw or write on the Glog poster.

The basic subscription is free and the premium subscription is $59 dollars through the end of July which in a 40% savings.

I encourage you to click on the Glogster EDU link or icon and explore its capabilities. You won’t regret it.


  1. Hello Cheryl,

    Isn’t Glogster EDU a wonderful, wonderful tool? I am adding this tool to my AR project. Creating posters have always been fun and now that you can create one interactively online, it is awesome. Students are going to be eager to complete a project using this tool. They are going to have loads of fun while learning at the same time. When they become familiar with the features their creative juices are going flood the classroom bulletin boards. You chose a great tool to share with your learners.

    Some of our ideas are identical, maybe we could become critical friends for our AR projects. We can share resources and collaborate.

  2. This is a great tool! Using this in the classroom would allow the students to be so creative and have fun with their work. I checked out the website and I think I would have lots of fun creating different posters. This is a web 2.0 tool that I would use.
