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Ignorance is not an island to live on, but rather a bridge to get you to your destination - for it is the unknown that enable mistakes and mistakes that create life lessons and life lessons that empower growth and wisdom. Join me in the "Ride of my Life" as journey through self and technological discovery with Full Sail University

Thursday, July 1, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

I chose several great RSS feeds to follow form my professional purposes. The first feed that I subscribed to is the PBIS News Feed which I can use to get information for my AR project on creating a Positive Behavior Intervention Support System (PBIS) at my school. The next site is the Edutopia RSS Feed that I will use to connect with others that talk about K-12 Education and Learning Innovation. The third feed I chose is the Grant Opportunity Feed from Grants.gov. This feed will keep me in touch with funding opportunities so I can apply funds to enhance my teaching program. The fourth feed I subscribed to is Education Sector which is a feed designed to give innovative ideas in education. The last feed I subscribed to is Bright Hub which is a feed of science and technology articles that I can use to integrate technology in the classroom.

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